Header and Footer Manual – AbcSubmit Form Builder
Header and Footer manual 1. How to add a header or footer to your document? [caption id="attachment_276" align="alignright" width="430"] Add header or footer[/caption] You can add or remove a header or a footer by clicking in the right panel buttons "Add Header" or "Add Footer": 2. Layout Type Headers and footers can be of two types: FLUID and FIXED. Fluid headers or footers are using 100% of the page width. Fixed headers or footers widths are automatically scaled to current visible page. 2.1. Fluid layout type on header or footer Are rendered using 100% of the browser tab width. [caption id="attachment_278" align="alignnone" width="300"] Fluid header example[/caption] 2.2. Fixed layout type of header or footer Are rendered always using the current visible page width. [caption id="attachment_277" align="alignnone" width="300"] Fixed header example[/caption]…