Form Field – Documentation

Form Fields
Form field - Documentation Use the form field to embed a previously created form in current document. You can easily embed free form templates into your website by using the form field. [caption id="attachment_359" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Embedding a form inside your website[/caption] In the above illustration, you can see a Contact and Lead form inserted in the Godfather movie fans website (form). 1. Form The form that will be embedded in your website Form control. By clicking on the edit button, the form browser dialog gets opened, from where you can select the form you want to embed: [caption id="attachment_361" align="aligncenter" width="506"] Browse forms dialog[/caption]
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Breadcrumbs Field – Documentation

Form Fields
Breadcrumbs field - Documentation Breadcrumbs are a great way to inform users on which site page they are navigating. Currently, AbcSubmit form builder supports breadcrumbs added also in pages, but also in Header and Footer fields of your form or website. (more…)
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IFrame field – Documentation

Website Fields
IFrame field - Documentation The iframe field is used to embed contents on your form or website from other hosted resources. By using the iframe field you can display those pages inside your form at the cost of one click. [caption id="attachment_346" align="aligncenter" width="528"] IFrame with domain loaded in AbcSubmit form builder[/caption] 1. Iframe Url The url that will be loaded in your Iframe. Please note that the responsibility of the contents of the url loaded in IFrame is yours and only yours. Additionally, some url domains are blocked by our AI spam system. Loading content that violates our terms of use might block or delete your account from our systems forever.
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Video (YouTube) Field – Documentation

Form Fields
Video (YouTube) field - Documentation Videos are a great way to attract more users to your forms or websites, and to make your social network spinning. AbcSubmit drag and drop website / form builder allows you to insert Videos from YouTube into your Forms and Websites, and to customize their playback behavior or visual appearance. [caption id="attachment_338" align="aligncenter" width="525"] Video added in form page[/caption] 1. Video From this group of settings you can choose the link of your video, or set it's playback behavior. 1.1. YouTube video link Type here a link pointing to a video page on YouTube: Such example can be: // 1.2. Loop forever There are scenarios when you want your video to be automatically restarted when it ends. Especially if you have a video presentation you want…
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Label Field – Documentation

Form Fields
Label field When you are building forms in AbcSubmit form builder, it is recommended to associate for each field you drop in your form a label. By adding a label, you provide a great contextual help for your inputs of the form. Also, Labels are used by screen readers in order to help people with visual difficulties to be able to fill your form. [caption id="attachment_333" align="aligncenter" width="417"] Label field (in edit mode) and it's associated TextBox[/caption] 1. Text The text content that is shown inside the label. 2. Target field The associated input (field) which will become focused when the user clicks on the label.
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Slider field – Documentation

Website Fields
Slider field Sliders are a good idea to display multiple pictures in a animated way on site homepages. They are used to promote different sections or features of your website, or why not, they can contain ads. [caption id="attachment_327" align="alignnone" width="458"] Slider field[/caption] 1. Slides By clicking the edit button of this property, you can edit the actual slides of your slider: [caption id="attachment_328" align="alignnone" width="800"] Edit slider[/caption] 2. Rotation speed The rotation speed setting is the amount of time the slider will wait before displaying next slide. You can choose between 3 values: Slow - wait 10 seconds before displaying next slide Medium - 7 seconds before displaying next slide Fast - 4 seconds before displaying next slide
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File Field – Documentation

Form Fields
By using AbcSubmit drag and drop form builder, you are able to upload files on your online documents (forms or websites). Uploading a file require storage capabilities added to your account (which is a non-free feature). Depending on your account subscription type, you have some limits regarding the number of files you can receive on our platform, but also some limits regarding the maximum file size you can receive via a form submit on our platform. Files Files, files, files. There are of all kind of types (documents, images, archives, binary, executable files, legal or illegal kind of files, deceiving (containing viruses) files, etc). 20 years ago, there were so few restrictions about how files are stored, that you could say they weren't exist. So if back in those days…
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Image (Picture) documentation | Form builder help

Form Fields
Picture documentation 1. Image file The image that will be displayed to the user. You must upload a image file. Maximum image file size is 2MB. Please note that you must have a paid subscription in order to upload image files, because file storage is needed for your account. 2. Alternate text Specify a text that will be displayed to the user until the image is loaded. On slow internet connections, this is a good idea, because the user will know what content will be loaded before the image data arrives from the server. 3. Open link Optionally, you can specify a Link which will be opened when the user clicks on the Picture. This feature works great for logos for example, when you want to redirect the user to…
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Rich Text settings | AbcSubmit Form Builder

Form Fields
Rich Text - Documentation Rich text field is a powerful feature of AbcSubmit which allows you to edit formatted text. The formatted text functionality is offered via the Markdown text editor: [caption id="attachment_293" align="aligncenter" width="965"] Markdown text editor[/caption] In order to edit the text, you must edit the property "Text" of your field.
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